


Personal chef for the elderly.

Eating well is important at any age, but even more necessary for seniors because nutritional needs change. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, many seniors are not eating as well as they should, which can lead to poor nutrition or malnutrition, easily being mistaken as a disease or illness. We all know how physical cooking can be, heavy grocery bags, lifting pots and pans, hours on your feet not to mention the heat of the stove. Now think about an ageing loved one who needs to cook for themselves… this could be a very hard task if not impossible.

Hiring a Galor personal chefs can be a great solution, a personal chef who plans the weakly meals, shops for the ingredients and then cooks a lovely tasty nutritious meals in the clients house.

The cooking can be on a daily basis or just to fill the fridge with fresh meals, fully cooked meals are packaged and labeled with heating and serving instructions ready to eat.

With Galor you are not alone.

Tips on Cooking for Seniors

1.Use herbs, spices, onions, garlic and ginger in your cooking, by adding acidic elements like lemon, wine or vinegar it kicks off the flavours, go easy on the salt.

2. Cook food that’s moist and doesn't require a lot of chewing.

Older people produce less saliva, which affects how food tastes, feels in the mouth, and gets digested, food like soups and braises, for example, as well as sauces and dressings that can be added to taste.

3. Some of the elderly have a lack of appetite or they get full very quickly so often it is best to have fluid in between meals, not exactly with the meal because they may get full on their beverage and not actually eat their food.

4. Just call Galor Chef.


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Galor Personal Chef services.
138 Emlyn Road,
W12 9TB.

T. +44 (0) 20 3405 4049
E. contact@galor.co.uk